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By Richard Pagliaro | @Tennisnow | Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Picture Credit: Sport TV

For his game and words, Danail Medvevevevev It can cause a noise for noise tennis and rage.

One of the good sports players are aimed at pressing the mute button to him.

Tennis Express

Speaking on the media in the Indian Wells, Medvedev admitted: “In court, I should speak a little.”

Last week Dubai, frustrated with four points such as Gaya, Medvevevevevev Tallon griekspoor 7-6 (7), and enter into Hearoe Umpire Adel Nur.

Seat Mpirire Hit a Venting Medvevevevevevev by Breaking MedVedev Medvedev that loaded.

“What do I say?” MEDVEDEV said to get up from his chair. “What is the commonest of the Russian opposition?

“Double Value?”

The former 1 Medvevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevevable

Reflecting on his reputation as a voice player and a traditional court, Medvedev in their heat, Adrenaline running to his veins, sometimes he said things were nothing.

“First, first, as I say, I think that court can speak a little,” Medvevevev. “This thing is that here, I think I’m talking I’m thinking in the court Sometimes I say things that I don’t really think.

“It is because of the Adrenaline, Mathematics, its pressure, sometimes I’m talking about the back of the game I can clearly say this, is not true.”

https: / v = 4OocBlx1u3yy

Although hoping to find the volume of the court, medvevevevevov is the same voice, an unintentional voice for the pressure followers to hear speaking.

“I don’t really know how I answered this question because I feel like I’ve been like this,” MEDVEVEV told the media from India’s sources. “I don’t always tell my thoughts, but, as, sometimes I’m talking about something, I prefer to speak openly than that of the PRO statements or something like this.”

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