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Eolo chooses Thiras to increase the quick Internet access in Italy

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Meudon, France – The European Union aims to ensure that all citizens receive 1GBPS broadband with 2030 and the selected Twales Eolo are its leading communication solutions. Finding this idea requires new solutions such as wireless access (FWA), which bring the highest internet to traditional networks or copper networks. FWA is important in linking people into small towns and rural areas, supports economic growth and digital division.

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Eolo’s Vision for Immediate Connecture
As a FWA leading FWA provider, Eounzo has already dealt with Radio Technology technology to bring inexpensive Internet, with a high speed. Currently, the company is working more than 700,000 homes and FWA communication can reach speeds up to 300 Mbs. To develop customer experience and access to Italy’s experience with the service that is able to close the digital pace, the EOOL has introduced 1GBPS FWA and Milimeter Wave (MMMAVE) technology. This release will include a new network of 5G antenna and thousands of empowered devices included in customer areas.

Thales technology in safe communication
Thales play an important role in this expansion by providing its platform for Esim management, the registration manager needs. This technology allows the 5G routerers to be prepared before with mobile registration, making faster installation and easy. Customers will benefit from the speedy processing as soon as they are powerful on their devices, confirm the seamless communication.

“Sproduous Infrastructure We will play a very important role in accordance with the fiber reporting of our country. assigned Guido Garrone, CEO ELEOOLO.

“Reliable, safe contact is important for digital conversion,” said Eve Rudin, VP communication solutions made in Thales. “By supporting the Eouno with our improved Essim technology, we enable the speedy shipping of broadband and to help close digital separation throughout Europe.”

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The Thales (Euronext Paris: Ho) the world leader in Technologies Advanced Technologies special in three business domains: Defense, Aerospace and Cyber ​​& Digital.

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