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New Taxi Taxi Option to provide community ride this year

The new taxi car driving is ready to beat roads this year, out of first Elas Vegas.

Amazon supported cars are ten years in doing, and the company says they want to redistribute.

“Our view of the future is not available for many people who will need to buy their car,” Koox Coin Coin Coinger Jesson.

The zoox is the transforming machinery that drives seems to. Their robotaxis are private cars that spread the rider experience.

ZOOX ROBOTAXIS will start their first public ride in Las Vegas. (Zoox / foxususiness)

“It’s a good premium experience.” It is safe, fluctuating, clean and efficient, “said Levinson.

ZOX Robotaxis does not look like normal cars. They have four seats inside the car, and the passengers face each other, sitting on their two lines.

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“We really wanted to create a social experience. Before the cars, there were chariots, and were now, because it is a natural way you want to work with, “said Levinson.

Passengers will be able to call their taxis in the app. The zoox says that their riding will be prices and the existing offer.

A man watching the touch screen

Each passenger will have their touch screen. Passengers are able to correct the car temperature. (Tsai of the sun / foxususiness)

“In time, as technology is more than the lower and low cost, we will be able to reduce costs and to our customers,” said Levinson.

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To ensure their safe robotaxies, Zoox has been tested in a few hundred cars with technology and similar nerves.

“We have tried to make the safest car, not only with independent view, but even in a way to keep the opposite of united.

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While testing remains continues to ensure that robotaxixis is constantly safe, one of the most independent cars say that private cars can make public roads safe.

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The zoox uses the same machines and nerves in their test cars like Serobotaxis. (Tsai of the sun / foxususiness)

“It is a way to protect the driving. It is naturally safe

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ZOOX Robotaxis will start their first public ride in Las Vegas and San Francisco. The company focuses on the implementation of thick cities, and eventually increased in time.

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