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Big Ass fans beat with a fine because of false requests with pure air products

The company’s largest company fans are driven about half a dollar penalties regarding their 99% of their followers caused by Avid-19.

On Wednesday, 11 Regional lawyers in California announced accommodation and company in relation to allegations of false advertising and misleading. Ketenky Based Based Lovers Available to pay the amount of $ 450,000 such as 1120,000 to distribute California Customers to purchase certain customers “Soul the Spirit,” said prosecutors.

At the beginning of the epidemic, where people wish to get clean devices and safe businesses, the company makes the claims that are verbal of fans pathogens followers. But prosecutors decide that “an adequate support for company advertising requests, and that effective active prices are not available in the real world conditions.”

On June 2020, the company began to advertise that fans were equipped for “clean spiritism” can kill more than 99 pathogens, including the ARRADIATION of SARS-COV-2, the Iltraviolet Iladoolet.

These claims quickly threaten to be killed by the devices that have been killed based on the test results worked in smaller spaces, such as Shoebox, and did not show prices in the actual room.

“There is no other way to say – it is not fully protected that these devices will work in the original world,” Timothy of Bertram, chemical professes at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, telling the Kaiser Health News by 2021.

The US Environmental Environmental Agency Agency also issued a statement that warned against the successful air filters using ionization to prevent people from Covid-19.

“This is an impressive technology, and a small study is available for evaluating without lab conditions,” says EPA. “As a common technology, the safety evidence and efficiency is written down rather than grown strategies, such as filters.”

EPA also warned that Ionization technology has the ability to produce ozone and other things that can be harmful within the house.

Big Ass followers approached Robert Redfield, Director of US Management Centers and Prevention of Trump Administration, joined a group as a health counselor and security advisor in April on April 2021.

“Minor of winds in a large role to play in reducing the transfer of Covid-19 with responced pathogens,” Redfield at Big Ass Fans do not follow the quality of his new position. “Big Ass fans is a leader in creating airflow systems and making farmlands, working, and playing, safe.”

As part of the resolution agreement, Big ASS fans are required to comply with the order that sets non-negative, deceptive or misleading claims. The center was interviewed by the Aalameda District, Orange, Monin, Na Pa, San Francisco, Santa Clara, Sasta, Sasta, Selano and Sastano.

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