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New Aga Khan Chosen After Ismail Muslim Spiritual Death – National

Rahim Al-Hussaimu was summoned by Wednesday as New Aga Khan, a spirit leader of millions of Ismailla world, following his father’s death.

The 53-year-old was appointed as AGA K Khan V, 50 IMAMs for Ismailla, in his will. His father died on Tuesday in Portugal.

Aga Khan is considered just his followers for the exact interest of Muhammad and is treated as Head of state.

The Aga Khan Development Network and the Smailli faith community has previously announced that his Great Primim Crance, Aga IV and 49th Muslims, bereaved surrounded by his family.

Prince Rahim is the older son of the former Aga Khan. You have learned in the US, read compatible books in Brown University, and serve on various organizations inside the Aga-Development Network, a major Milanthropic organization, according to a statement issued on Wednesday.

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The organization is particularly responsible for health care issues, housing, education and rural economic development. It states in the cost of more than 30 countries and has an annual budget for an annual $ 1 Billion for profit-development activities.

Click to play video: 'Enjoy the Aga Khan garden to help raise the university Hospital Foundation'

Enjoy the Aga Khan garden to help raise the University Hospital Foundation

The Aga Development Network said Prince Rahim was a special interest in its workplace anti-climate change work and protect the environment.

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For issues affecting Canada and global factors, sign up for brutal stories and submitted.

Aga Khan near the end of Aga Khan was given the title of the ‘Queen’ of Queen ‘title in July 1957, two weeks of Aga Khan III, she made her a family leader.

Over the years, Aga Khan near the end of the business appeared to be a Magnate and the Magnanthropist, traveling in the international country with freedom.

Muslimsman Muslims and Heritage, was considered widely as the bridges between Islamic and west communities although it is – or because of political participation.

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The Name of Hospital Hospital Carry Khan was scattered in areas where health care was lacking the poorest, including Bangladesh, Tajikistan, and Afghanistan, where he spent several millions of dollars in building a local economy.

Ismailas lived in many generations in Iran, Syria, and South Asia before living in East Africa, Central Asia and Middle East, and Europe, and Australia. They view you as a responsibility to offer up to 12.5% ​​of their income from Aga Khan as a manager.

Khooli-Mool Professor University in Georgetown University research Muslims in the community, said Ismailas turned to Aga Khan in matters of faith and deep life “.

Prince Rahim has three siblings, two brothers and one sister.

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