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The king of Jordanian covers Trump’s proposal to remove the Palestine Palestine

King Abdullah II in Tuesday’s Presidential President may accept Palestinians who live in Gaza, saying they were always resistant to the field.

During the “construction” of US President in White House, King Abdullah said, “Again” repeated the Jordan’s office against the Shipping of Palestine Gaza and West Bank. “

“This is the position of joint Arabs,” means a communication position at a meeting after the meeting. “To rebuild Gaza without removing the Palestines and deals with a bad situation should be the most important of all.”

His statement comes after hours after Mr. Trump emphasized the United States that the authority to “take” the effort to oppress the Jordan Leader and the Arabican and the Arabicans to accept compulsory release

“We’re going to have Gaza,” said Mr. TRUMP, as sitting on the side of the Lord Abdullah and the Crown Prince Hussein of the Jordan. “It is a place torn by war torn. We’ll take it. We’ll hold it. We’ll love it.”

King Abdullah decreased as much as asked reporters about Mr.

But according to his statement, King Abdullah was more directly and Mr Trump privately.

“To find peace alone on the basis of two Kingdom solutions is a way to verify the district,” said King Abdullah at the post office. “This requires leadership say.”

The meeting arrived on Sunday after Mr. Rump said that he wanted the United States to take control of Gaza and wanted the Jordan and Egypt to return to two million Palestinians who called at home. Both Jordan and Egypt refused the idea when Mr Trump raised it last week at the Memorial Summit with the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin, and Tanyahu.

In a statement on Social Media on Tuesday, the Egyptian Egyptian office department said the country would work with the United States as “the release of Palestine,” the Palestinians should be allowed to stay in their homeland.

The meeting with King Abdullah does not reach a minute to be a key Middle East and the future of Gaza.

Talks came as an investigation agreement in the battle in Gaza Strip seemed at risk of breaking. Mr Nu Ntanyah warned Hamas on Tuesday that if the dulls were not released on Saturday, then the Israelite army would restart “the great fight.” His statement received Ultimatum Mr. Trump released on Monday evening and on Tuesday, Hamas will need to free all sizona left Saturday.

“They removed them on Saturday 12 o’clock or all bets closed,” said Mr. Trump.

Hamas blames Israel for breaking the promise of sending hundreds of thousands of tents in Gaza, a claim that three Israelite princes and two males claim to be accurate. The Israelite military unit that does not represent the delivery of assistance, however, says that the descendants of Hazasite ‘are fully accuses.’

The dissolution of the finishing fire, and Mr Trump’s compulsion of Palestinian warmth, including Arabic leaders “in response to Jonathan Panikoff, Director of Scowcroft Midden East Security Council in the Atlantic Council.

“All district leaders tried to limit their view of their increasing condition,” said Mr. Panikoff. “It has been a conflict of approximately a year and a half and never completely reduced it. But now you have a US President who affected the deeds that will be burning.”

Mr Trump in recent days took his incomparable proposal and permanent palestine return when the United States would be granted control of the Israelite and enabled me to issue jobs and tourism. Mr Trump is not secretly recognized in a vision of the United States who deals with a few weeks, according to many of whom they spoke.

Mr Trump pressure pressure from Egypt and Jordan on the time of King Abduh’s visit when he said that he could cut help from Jordan unless the Palestine was taken. At the reimbursement, Mr Trump said, the Palestinians would not have the right to return to Gaza. Asking how to force the Palestines to leave Gaza, Mr Trump was thrilled by the question. “They will be great,” he said. “They will be very happy.”

American Aid to Jordan, including military service, currently named as part of Mr. Nevertheless, King Abdullah faced a difficult work for trying to protect more than $ 1.5 billion in Aid Jeordan from the United States while trying to do after its removal requirements for Palestine.

Mr Trump appeared to return his proposal to cut help from Jordan on Tuesday, saying, “We are over.”

The king cares that an account of about two million refugees can enter the tension between Palestinine Descentrian citizens and missers. More than half of the 12 million articles of Abdullah appear from Palestine. Jordan is already at 700,000 refugee home, most of whom are Syria fleeing the country’s civil war.

Jordan’s Parliament last week introduced that the bill to prevent the rebuilding of Palestinians in the country. King Abdullah can try to convince Mr. Trump that his trust is to deliver the Palestinians from Gaza included the actors that would join Mr. Abraham will join Mr.

Instead of the first back to Mr Trump, King Abdullah appeared to try and set up President according to the Jordan to take 2,000 children to find cancer and other illness. Mr Trump replied with a statement, called “good action,” although the international criticists said Jordan had signed sick children from Gaza.

Brian Katulis, a great brother in the Middle East Institute, said King Abdullah’s Offer drew “a well-designated” book “used by Arab leaders when dealing with Mr. Trump.

He said Arab leaders, said, “Know how to set the Trump – and work with bad people in a friend of his wrongdoing.”

Michael Crowley reported reported.

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