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All three brothers who love, Harrods owners, are now suspected of sexual abuse

Amy Mcuham was 21 years old when he was asked to go to Gstaad, Switzerland, a long weekend, and his manager.

McLecham had joined harrods, a London department of London, in 1993. The fetard of international system, was increased on the State of Mohamed Al-fayed, which owns the business with his younger brothers, Salah and Ali.

Early in 1994, he remembered, and boarded the company’s private plane and flew to GSTAD to work as an Ali helper.

When he got there, however, there was no work to do, he said. He was alone in Chalet and Ali and Ali and the housekeeper. Then Ali, a shock 50 years, took her to the swimming pool. He remembers black swimming and a pearl fakety necklace.

“I remember to draw me inside, to be anointing and pulling from my waist and downs, just got McLecham,” I believed it was a weekend. TV.

“I was abusive, sexually abused, without hesitation. And he had just giggle,” he said.

ALi spokesman, who is 81 years old and lives in Greenwich, Choco Connect. “The accused events are not just happening,” said spokesman spokesman in a statement. “Mr. Fay is not the law who rescues the law and will not be crazy. He will strongly protect these prohibited claims.”

In September, BBC documents revealed how Mohamed Al-Fayed, the Harrods, was Harrods, was Harrods, had been sexually abused or sexually experienced, he explained that he used his companies. Harrods apologized, described him as “someone intended to harass his power wherever he worked.”

But in the months, several female workers have been allegedly accused of their brothers – Salah, death in 2010, and killed them, he increased the shame ever appeared in one man.

Like the last brother, Ali was faced with a new face as the black family of a hot family and the weather shop flee. This month, BBC published three women’s accounts, including Ms Plurzam, who said Ali sexually harassed while working for Harrods in the 1990s.

Ms. McLerchem said he believed what happened to the Switzerland took place inside the broader companies that were well decorated. He said Ali “used the program for the benefit.”

Next time, Mlquham and others pointed to the finger and not only Ali but also doctors, employers, workers, workers and other businesses accused of fayeds.

The accounts are given to the New York Times in one of three women who are addressed by Mohamed or Salah, and a pattern of Harrods and Ritz Paris, the brothers had a hotel with them. Documents, emails and details that agree to some women from some women provide additional evidence of their allegations.

Harrods, now suffering from Qatar’s Emperorivig West Fund, said he would not comment on others but “supports the courage of all the survivors.”

“Their applications identify the width of Mohamed Fawed and stirred sensitive suspicion of their brothers, Salah and Ali died,” said spokesman Harrods.

The brothers who love, who were born in Egypt, invented a shipping business and arrived, in the bank and the world’s world.

Buy Ritz Paris in 1979 and Harrods in 1985. When Mohamed moved to London in 1974, he added his name as “All-” walking in later love between his Son, Doda, Princess of Wales, both of them died in a 1997 car accident. Salah and Ali remained very well known numbers, but their business interests are together.

All four women discuss the times specified in the process of redemption of the training executive structures that the people coming close to the brothers. Two women claim that they are addressed by more than one brother.

In October 1993, while working as Mohamed’s personal assistant, Ms M. Mohamed, Mohamed went in his room.

“Farness, detention, touching, and just will infect, was bad,” said. Eventually, he went to talk about his mother. Another Harrods work, who asked anonymously because of privacy concerns, was on the way with Mrs Pleham and strengthened his diary-and-day – in 1993 – who had written in his diary.

McLercham said he did not tell anyone about Mohamed attack or Ali’s covering because he thought he would be accused. He needed work to pay rent, and he continued to work for Harrods until 1996, when he left Britain. “I had to go away from what was happening, and as far as possible,” he said.

Rachael Louw, now 53 years old, joined Harrods in 1993 before he was employed in the following year as our personal assistance from Salah. In the summer of 1994, he was told by the supervisor to accompany his Saya at his yacht and was given new clothing. He traveled by Harrods and Salah in France before the driver did Monaco.

“I thought I would be given files to file files, removal papers, perhaps I will make travel arrangements,” he said. But there is nothing, he said.

Sala taught him not to talk to staff and propose his sexual moments. And every time, he raised her. At that time, the same night, he got on his bed, said. “He said, ‘I’m lonely, I want to sleep with you,'” It was a very long night of my life. I just lie down there and I couldn’t sleep. “

Then, Ms. Louw asked to return to previous work on the front floor and tried to continue his health. But in 1996, he said Mohamed called him his chalk park. There, Mohemaste raised his skirt, baking him, Mrs. Louw said.

Like Ms Plurham, he does not feel he is able to speak at that time. “This was part of my life and went into the box and never opened,” said Ms. Louw, who spoke of his experiences with Sky matters this month.

Some women share drugs in past months of abuse, including knowledge in November with BBC. In the Fulfillment of London Avoid in Jan. 29 A woman, who was given anonymous, said that Salah of drugs raped her while working for Harrods and that she would conceive of documents. You set up the company.

Kristina Svensson, 56, worked in Ritz Paris since 1998 to 2000 as a personal assistant in Mohamed. He said the senior workers in Ritz knew that workers were victimized there, allegations supported by the e-mail visited by Times.

“We did not recognize real jobs. We were employed to be sexually abused,” he said.

When he first met Mohameding, he kissed him, saying: “Heal her tongue has raised up in her mouth.” Sometimes when I was alone with him in the office, Ms Svensson said he drew his knees on his knee and dropped his head in his own pit.

“I was very scared, I was very scared, and I couldn’t run,” he said.

He felt unable to speak, said, because of the threat of losing work. Finally, he said, told the executive of the Ritz Paris for trauma and told them he was planning to resign. During the days later, he was expelled.

Ms Svensson explained that his suspicions against Mohamed in 2003 books to a representative of another hotel worker that says he was sexually abused. In a book, seen by times, he noticed that he had reported that sexually abused from senous workers before leaving Ritz Paris.

At least one woman, Pelham spong, told Ritz that Mohamed attacked her, in changing the time. Ms Svensson Account is included in BBC documents last year, and Ms Spong has spoke publicly with his beating.

Ms Spong, an American, 23, was 23 and lives in Paris when the waste asked in 2008 if he thought the work of the monaco’s fays. “I remember thinking – I’m a woman who is ambitious. I think I’m very smart, and this sounds amazing,” said Ms. Spong. In London, he was given Gynecical examination that the company doctor said he would stay secret – Mohamed victims also related.

He was found that he had a virus and put an antibiotic. Then, he was sent to Mohamedi’s office. “He plagued me, saying, ‘Do you see a doctor. Do you care for this problem?’ He said. “I was humiliated.”

He asked to send him a business school, pay his tax and give cash, he said, in exchange for sex. And he said, He caught his face, and kissed him with deceit. When he returned to Paris, he reported against an attack on employers, sharing knowledge and management in Ritz. Ms Spong was told that he was no longer needed in this work. Emails between employer and ritz Paris, visual, linked to his account.

Ritz Paris said it conducted an investigation under the external advice. “We are shocked by the latest testimonies,” the statement said. “We do not tolerate any kind of violence or sexlessness and we would like to show a deep feeling for courageous women.”

Metropolitan police in London received more than 100 allegations against Mohamed al-fayed since BBC documents appeared. In November, police said that they were investigating at least five of the people who may have helped abuse.

SIGRID MCCAWLEY, treating a Boes Schiller Flexner partner representing Ms.

“What we have seen about the matter of fays is just a proverbial proverb,” ​​he said. “Because we see this formal abuse occurring, along with the most fat machine for all these so complex people who helped her make these charges.”

Sarah is impressive reported reported.

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