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Hamas releases 3 exiles to give more than 300 prisoners as part of the completion of the fire to deal with Israel

Hamas pulled out three boils on Saturday to get more than 300 Palestinian prisoners as part of the fiery covenant reached in Israel.

Debtors issued was Alexander (Sasha) Troffanov, 29; Sagui Delelel-Chen, 36, and yaire Horn, 46

The three were captured by Hamas from Kibbutz Nir OZ in the Oct Hate team. 7, 2023, they attacked Israel who raised a war in Gaza now under fire.

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Hamas releases Alexander (Sasha) Trololinov, 29; Sagi Dekel-Chen, 36, and yaire Horn, 46. (Pictures given by Form Form

Palestinian prisoners were released from the Israelites’ households as part of a compassionate agreement, which had left Denald Trump. Trump would also say that he committed the US temple and took Gaza and Palestinians at the -Palestinians elsewhere.

About 70 captors live in the custody of Hamas. Almost all the remaining captives, including Israel’s troops, men, and about half are believed to be dead.

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The graffiti on Israel's Harning Barrier displays Muci Gaza, West Bank City of Bethlehem, Friday, Feb. 14, 2025.

The graffiti on Israel’s Harning Barrier displays Muci Gaza, West Bank City of Bethlehem, Friday, Feb. 14, 2025. (AP)

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In the first end of the fire station, 24 of the over 1,000 prisoners and prisoners are released yet. The first paragraph includes the release of the 33 Israelites in exemplary in exchange with Israel’s Palestinian prisoners.

The war can restart if no agreement reached a second standard phase, which is looking for Hamas to release all the remaining damps and expansion of the end of the fire.

The associated machinator contributed to the report.

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