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Investigators find a third victim from the driving wyory wyoming road

Green River, WYO. (AP) – The third victim was found on Sunday in a moving man, inside a large wyoming tunnel that included cars and trucks, officials said.

At least five people were seriously injured in Friday and interstate 80 near the town of Green River, Wyoming. The crash woke a fire inside the tunnel that was completely destroyed by six commercial cars and two passengers.

Most Freclage was released on Sunday, with less than 10 cars still in the tunnel, SGT said. Jason Roamaasco with the main Wyoming Road.

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But the snow reduced the work of the Federal and State investigators while traveling in a car trying to rebuild the local condition and decided what happened, said.

“We hope this is the last death,” Roscio said.

More information on three victims would be released.

Sundays distributed pictures showed the remains of two cars inside the tunnel.

This crash occurs west of Twin tubing tube under Costle Rock, the stone shape approached over the town of the Green River in the South Sathsest region.

The following crashes and fire closes the Intererstate, Rearimay-West Road Corridor through Wyoming, and the traffic was returned to the Green River.

The Eastbound tunnel is expected to renovate on Wednesday and manage traffic in both directions. Developers failed to measure when the Western tunnel will reopen.

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