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AMID FLU FLU, Lendory La Delitches Egg in Grew

The rising cost of eggs have left one of the most famous fees in Los Anges designing to continue. Langer’s Restaurant in Westlaken in Westlake Last last week and started charging 50 customers in an order.

“I tried to wait and wait hopefully [the price] You will go back, “the lover langer owner in Shiloho.” But it will continue to grow. “

The number of twelve eggs are included in the environment last year to high records for $ 4.95 in January, according to the US Human Resources. The situation in California is very bad, we have some more food stores $ 9 or more in twelve eggs and reduce the number of eggs. Experts, experts say, it is a dimensional chicken fluid and broadcast forces in the market that press the cost of stores.

Langer is a pricing of egg vessels was temporary and lifted the cost of other menu items, including the famous famous Pastra sandwiches.

Without eggs, the rising cost of products and other items continue to put pressure on his business, Longer said. More than 100 remedies are closed across LA in 2024. Owners form workshop costs, financial delivery and health insurance costs such as constant issues.

Langer said they knew how to continue 50 cents extra eggs. He said you heard that it would take months to form chicken flocks. So far, he said, Customers have been forgiving.

“Every comments came to me and said, ‘Fortress, we understand,'” Langer.

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