Hundreds meet in national parks throughout the direction of work

Hundreds of people on Saturday at national parks from California to Maine to protest the Trump Administration of Chirt.
A group called resistance – including approximately 700 rangs, including some expelled from the National Park Service – tried to organize protests in each 433 Center. In the afternoon, there were protests at least 145 sites, according to Nick Graver, a 30-year-promising student who helped to make a demonstration in Joshua Tree National Park in South California.
The protests were held in popular areas such as yosemites in northern California, Grand Canyon in Arizona, Acadiah in Maile, Great Arch Est. Louis Est. The steps are highly high in Josemite, where employees have limited American flags in American Flags protesting on the Weberti Losemites and El Capitan.
Mr. The Graver said his team does not care about the thunder but also the release of services in the community and possible resources.
The National Park Service has applied for protests organizers to allow people to “exercise their first imitation rights,” while defending their resources.
In Joshua’s bush, about 400 people gathered to protest. Six Rangers in the park were among those spilled last month, part of the targeted workforce that last year, in what Trump Administration managers said it was to reduce government spending.
Deborah Anderson, who lived in the area decades for decades, protested with a sign “Protect our Parks.”
“What is right now is wrong,” said Ms. Anderson, 52.
In the north, Yellowstone, a large number of Roosevelt Rush in Gardiner, Monnt.
David Beruaga, work for the whole worldwide service, including the Superintendent of Grand Canyon National Park, before retirement in 2016, he urged people to act, including representatives and their sessions.
“We will not continue to allow things to happen,” Mr Beruaga, 78.
About 100 people protested in Grand Canyon. Sean Adams, a 29-year-old employee who kills an invading trout and is conducting conservation studies, said visitors are surprised to migration of the park staff.
“They didn’t see that it affects people like us, people working 10-plus-plus consistently in a very small way,” he said. “The money they observe by cutting people like the drop in the bucket.”
In the midst of the world, in EffiGy (about 150 people gathered, some of the signs that show Lorax, the DR character. Seuss “speaking of trees,” and watching, a sign of the US defense fire protection attempt. Among the overseers was Brian Gibbs, 41, who was expelled from his job as a Memorial professional.
Mr Gibbs, a forested forest River The Mississippi River at home monument holds a lot of empathy. He said his father took the tents when he was young. Later in life, Mr Gibbs told his wife for the first time. And that’s when they took their 4-year-old son on his first walking trip.
After all his experiences at the Memorial, Mr Gibbs said, it was amazing to see it as a protest.
“It was just a time of fire to me,” said Mr. Gibbs. As for parks, he added that “I never had my mind over to become the target” of the president.
Mi Dwyer The reported reported from the Yosemite National Park and Los Angeles, and Jennifer Brown from Gate Arch Est. Louis.
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