5 ways to control weed, according to USGa Turf expert

Josh Sens
The best time to deal with the weeds before they appear.
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With Spring in the air, it’s time to work in your game. And your grass. John Petrovsky can’t help you with the past. But be an educational manager in the Green Part of the USGA, full of last wisdom. In the latest article of USGa’s Green Great Category, Petrovsky went deep into the weed control in the weed control. Here are 5 main ways.
1. Continue before the game
Waiting to face the weeds and see them in your courtyard is like screaming in your drive as slides in trees: on that point, too late. Time to work in advance, and the instrument to use is a former claim. Since the name shows, pre-agrels are the weeds before he is established, as the seeds are standing. The best time to use them depends on the variety of things, including the weather, weather patterns, soil temperatures, and the desk of the Weed you want to control. The correct term is to know GDD, representing “the growing days of Degree.” Tracking this metric will tell you when it’s time to get your past. As in many things, you can do this with ether with the Internet Tracker online. Just enter your ZIP code and other basic information, and select 50 temperatures, and Tracker will tell you what you should put on and what. Many granular fertilizer is combined with the chemicals of earbicides, allowing ‘weed and feed your grass for one application. Usually, these products are placed on the ground. You can do this by yourself with Sprinklers, or wait until the rain is in the weather. Care equivalent to Turf and kill two birds with one stone.
2. What to do when the weeds appear
You can’t stop the whole weed all the time. Almost every time the attacking grass will make their way into your loop, even if you set down pre-Avents. What should you do when that happens? Drawing weeds are the same way to go, if you get the time and energy. But a lot of weeds are stubborn. If a handicraft does not make a trick, you may consider using an outgoing herbicide. There are various products in this stage, even before using it, you will want to know the grass that you have and the weed trying to control it. It has never been painful to ask a technician in your Town Care School for guidance from what it should be used and how to use it.
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Josh Sens
3. Strengthen the natural defenses of your natural
When your body goes down, it is readily available from sickness. The same is true of your grass. Sparseer is an IT, the challenge that is mainly caused by the attackers. One of the best ways to keep your turf is difficult and strong and resistant to the attackers – to avoid common snares, such as jumping in wrong heights. Here, too, more depending on the climate and the type of turf. The green of the cool season, intends the height between 3 inches. The thick green of warm misfortune, you can go down, with a target of 1.5 target. to 2. 5 inches. Shade and water are important things, too. Not all kinds of turf requires the same amount of sunlight or irrigation. Knowing what kind of grass you have – and the kind of care you need – is important to your war against the weeds.
4. Stick with it
Weed control is like control your golf ball. Both took unchanging efforts. Fast repair will last for so long. If your grass-career is your grass paying assignments, keep doing what you do. And if it goes on the sides? Do not hesitate to ask for help from your local local care shop or through the University Extension program.
5. Be Realistic
Trying to comply with Joneses difficult. Trying to accompany a ridiculous person impossible. Greens are professionals who have access to expensive equipment, and lose the battles facing the weeds. If your lawn does not look good as visible roads in the local club, give a break. There is no reason for you.

Josh Sens
The Golf.com editor
Golf Golf, Food and Restaurant, Josh Sension had been a golfer’s guard from 2004 and now surrendering the entire golf platforms. His work was done by antholoy at the Best American Sportsworting. He is a Co-Hagar writer, Sammy Hagar, then us with us!
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