LA to Bar Landaxor from employers employers of housing strikes

The Los Angeles City council has voted for Tuesday to prohibit householdholder expenses for employers or pets that are expelled by last monthly fires to live.
In the 14 vote to this 0, crisis have given the original approval authorized, learners who support the required lease because other lease residents stopped people or unauthorized pets or pets.
New rules, which is expected to return to the final valley next week, lasted for one year and work only if the pets and pets and pets.
Employers will have to inform their landowner to bring their own residents or pets to furnish and provide a variety of information, including the address where more residents lived.
Protection will apply to all buildings in the city.
In addition, if the building falls under the Creen Streeens Street Ordination, landowners will not be able to force specialism permitted.
“Ngalezi zenzo zomusa zomusa nobubele akufanele zijeziswe,” umkhandlu we-Traci Park, omele i-Hard Hit Pacific Pacific Pacific Pacific Pacific Pagific Pacific Pacific Pacific Pacific Pacific Pacific Pacific Pacific Paxific “Noma ngubani ovule ikhaya labo ukuhlinzeka indawo yokukhosela, ukuthula nokulondeka akufanele kumelwe are concerned. “
The action of the Council is on Tuesday and the major issue of protection of the employer to grant after fires has been destroyed or severely corrected more than 12,000 county homes.
After fires started on January 7, there were reports filled with illegal prices, but not just clear that the commercial hiring market is all.
Disaster Rehabilitation Specialists said they expected taxes to add them to some extent, for thousands of homes were destroyed in a direct market.
Many missing homes are seen as a single family houses and therefore some experts say they expect to hire large units near the cost of burning that the units are small and distant.
Last week, the council has refused to allow a proposal that would enhance a proposal that would enhance a fraction of a year in many days a year, if employers were withdrawn to economic, if employers were economically or medical treatment.
In a burning argument, some members of the Council involving the park, criticizing the laws that sweep very much. The proposal was referred to the Council Committee and the homeless committee when scheduled to hear Wednesday.
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